Home Tour : Austin Through the Ages
Butterfly House by A. D. Stenger : photo via Preservation Austin
In case you missed it in my newsletter last week, tomorrow, May 2nd, is Preservation Austin's annual home tour. The theme is Austin through the age's and there will be home feature from the 1870's to the 1960's. Of particular interest is the Butterfly House designed by A. D. Stenger and featured in Dwell magazine. That one house itself is worth the price of entry ($25-$35).
I'll also be collecting tickets in front of another 1960's home on River Road for a few hours. Make sure you come say hi.
Photo via Preservation Austin
Lastly, I would encourage all you modernists to go back to you roots a bit too and check out some craftsman and moderne homes (1206 Lorraine Street shown above).
The full list of homes and the addresses area available on PreservationAustin.org.
The Tour begins at 10:00 a.m. and ends promptly at 4:00 p.m
See you out there!