Design matters

My job and my passion is helping people buy and sell homes, and while I don't work exclusively with modern and mid century modern homes, it is what I do best. I believe that healthy happy people belong in well designed spaces, and I help people find those spaces. Unfortunately there is no easy way to search a database of homes for "good design". That's why I personally look at every home that is new on the market and hand pick the ones that I would want to live in, whether it's a thoughtfully remodeled bungalow on the east side or a beautifully restored Mid Century Modern home on Balcones Drive. If you are interested to see what I find, you can sign up here to get a daily or weekly newsletter. Your email is safe with us, and we promise to only contact you as often as you want us to. 

How I'm different

Let's be honest, there are a lot of realtors out there, so why should you pick me to help you buy a home? First off, if you've found your way to my website, chances are we are like minded people, so I actually "get" what you want in a home. Once I talk with you and understand what is most important to you, I have the vision and the creativity to help you find what you are looking for. 

Second, since I deal almost exclusively in well designed homes, I've got a deep network of friends both in real estate and other areas that I'm constantly in contact with. If your dream home isn't currently on the market, there is a good chance that I'll catch wind of it before it becomes available, giving us a head start, and an advantage.